Haven't we discussed in class the fact that the catholic church isn't really 'down with the kids' are are tailored to suit more of an old school generation (aka our grandparents) ? I think that anyone who has been following the advancement of technology a
nd the recent decline in the interest of Jesus-loving teens could
have guessed that at some point or another, the Pope was going to have to get with the times and use his BlackBerry not just for calling God, but to also update his ever interesting Facebook status.
And this isn't necessarily a bad thing: new media, celebrities, and a barrage of other companies, groups, etc are using technology to their advantage rather than turning it down or opposing it, in hopes of gaining the attention of our Gen Y minds (fyi: t
he Gen Y shall now be referred to as Generation Youtube. Coincidence?)
Personally, I'm not very religious so the fact that the Pope got a facebook page and an iPhone app doesn't really rock my world. While I find it a tad tacky, hila
rious, and generally ironic, I'm not up in arms about this whole thing. I think that its great that for once, the church is accepting some sort of advancement, be it technologically or otherwise. I mean really, it's a small start, but it's still a start.
What does this mean for the rest of us? Well, just like when you parents got Facebook, this means that Facebook is officially no longer cool. Think about it! Now that the Pope has Facebook, how long is it before dear old gran is filling out her 'looking for' and 'political views' in her brand spankin' new FB page (with all the privacy settings on full, of course).
The fact that Facebook is officially, completely, and 100% no longer cool means that either
a) Twitter is going to become over populated (please, no) or
b) MySpace just might make the resurgence it's been waiting so long for. OR
c) A new form of social networking that has yet to be unveiled will take over
Only time will tell which one of these scenarios is going to work out, but I can tell you that no matter what, we're all still going to be logging in, turning off, and praising God: for many, many years to come.
While on the subject of the Pope, I can't help but share this photo that my friend made of me . . . as the Pope. Politically incorrect? Yes. Offensive? Possibly. Hilarious and though provoking? Most definitely.

I really wish I hadn't seen that picture
ReplyDeleteMy bestie Michelle is the genius that made this work of art.