OKAY so with that out of the way, the one major thing that I would change in the school system would be to have school start later. Anyone that knows me well is probably thinking 'You WOULD have school start later, w
ouldn't you Chloe?!' and to that I say 'Shut up!' because yes, while it is true that I am late to my first period class almost everyday, and there have been many an early English class that I have slept through, I do have more than personal reasons behind my decision.
The first of them is that I for one, have taken Mrs. Hoopers lovely Physcology class, and beyond talking about our part time jobs, dating, having kids, an
d a cornucopia of other 'wtf' classified topics, we discussed teen sleeping habits, and how they apply to learning and education. Now Mrs.Hooper is many things, and one of them happens to be a person who knows what the hell she's talking about, so when she says she's done her research, chances are, she has. So I believed her whole heartily when she said that recent research shows that teens need between 8 and 9 hours of sleep every single night to maintain happy, healthy, and to also be in the ideal state of mind to l
earn. She also gave us a case study of certain schools that have under gone a schedule change, and that now start at 9 or 10 AM instead of 8, and its a proven fact that those high school that start later in the day, are also the same schools that have higher test marks, happier students, and less attendance problems.

To quote Polk a Dot Shorts:
'Coincidence? I
'Coincidence? I
think NOT!!'
(If anyone actual remembers this show besides me and Marcie, welcome to the dark side)
So what does that research show us? Lets appeal to math land for a second and put it into an equation!
Teenagers + More Sleep - School starting Earlier =
Happier, Healthier, Smarter Teens.
I'd like to see one educator who doesn't like them apples.
Also, with the rising cost of college/university tuition, many kids now have part time jobs. Between school, homework, work, etc, that doesn't leave kids with much time after school for sleep. If you get home at 3pm, work a 6 hour shift from 3:30 - 9pm, and then have one hour of homework for each of your classes, you're looking at not getting to bed until 12:30AM! If school starts at 8, like ours does, and you get up at say, 6:30 to catch the bus, get ready, etc that gives you exactly 6 hours of sleep, 3 hours less than the amount you need to stay healthy.
Now I know that some of these figures are obviously of
f, and that one hour of homework for each class may not apply to everyone, but if you put things in perspective, it still shows us the truth of the matter: we need more sleep.
Now I'm not saying that things are going to change drastically, suddenly, or all at once, but with this kind of research, it is possible that in the next few years, high school may just start later than it is now. With this happy thought in mind, think of the fact that by this time, we won't be in high school anymore, and we won't be able to reap the benefits of a 9AM wake up call. What was that about 'Always look on the bright side of life', Eric Idol?

Yeah.... I forget too......
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