Monday, April 13, 2009

Twittering fantastic Tweets to all my Twits!!!

Twitter, how doth I love thou? Let me count the ways...

Okay so I'm not actually going to recite poetry to Twitter to show my devotion, because as much as I love tweeting, that would be bordering on insanity, and I already walk that fine line of 'devoted fan' and 'insane asylum patient' everyday. What else is new?

But yes, it is true. I am a bit of a twitter fan girl. I tweet to my fellow twits everyday, and I don't even feel remotely stupid saying it. I'm sure that I should, but I just can't. I've officially jumped on the twitter band wagon (hell, by this point in time, I'm DRIVING the twitter band wagon), and I love it. I must admit that I'm a bit miffed that more of my friends don't use twitter yet, and yes, I do get mocked within my circle of friends, but I can brush it off. Why? Because I know that in a few years time, they'll all be tweeting too. I mean hey, everyone scoffed at the idea of facebook and myspace at some time, right? And now look where we are. 

And before you start mocking me too, yes, I do realize how stupid twitter is and how stupid it sounds. Randomly posting your pointless activities through out the day in 140 words or less? I was skeptical at first, but once you get started, its addicting. Even I couldn't have predicted that at some point in my life, I would be telling random people:

Where the hell  are my oat clusters in my Cheerios Oat Clusters CRUNCH! cereal. God damn it, why does this always happen to ME?! 

Yes, it is a bit self absorbed of me to believe that anyone out there would honestly care that I was saddened over the lack of granola in my cereal, but I did receive a few tweets back that made me laugh, such as this one from my 'bestie' and fellow tweeter, Michelle:

@Chlo_Chlo_Chloe i ate them when you were asleep. wake up earlier next time. Sorry, princess

A fantastic Twit!! (and yes, I realize that I'm saying 'twit'. It's half of the appeal, the irony of it all). But anyways, on to the task at hand.

Personally, I can understand that some may think that it's a fear of death that keeps me tweeting. I'm sure that if Freud was around today, he'd have a few things to say about all the Internet activity, but seeing as how he's not,  it looks like I'm going to have to sort through all the Internet phsycology myself.

Why do I tweet? The same reason why you have a facebook account: it's fun. It's addicting. It's pointless and you realize it, and yet you can't stop. You like to know what other people are up to. You like to glorify your life by shouting out random information about your day into the dark void known as the Internet. Many are quick to criticise Twitter, but it's really not all that different from updating your status on facebook, which many of us do everyday. I mean really, if you think about it, who cares?! No one, that's who. No one except for you. But as humans, we're all full of ourselves and like to think that someone out there, be they stalker or not, are concerned with our breakfast cereal and would like to be updated every hour or so on our daily activities. 

Personally, I don't think that I have a fear of death and thus I tweet. I think I tweet because weather I like to admit it or not, I am just like every other self obsessed teenager out there. I enjoy being apart of something, I like letting everyone else know what I'm doing. I hate to say it, and it pains me as I type to admit it, but it's true. It's just another fun, random, addicting Internet trend that will be dead in 5 years, but in the meantime it's fun, and I'm the first (as far as I can tell) to stake this new found ground as my own. To conclude, I give you this, my own twitter account. I know that you don't care what I'm up to, and to be frank, I don't care either. But in the meantime, we're young and tweeting, so why the hell not? Follow me, Tweet me, Twitter me, etc (as the kids say). 

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