Monday, March 9, 2009

Oak Island

In a time when most 'mysteries' can be solved by modern scientific methods and few stones remained unturned, Oak Island continues to be the one case that can't be cracked. By now, we all know the story behind it, the history etc. so I won't bore you with that. I'm going to present another way of thinking...

Sure, there could be treasure down there, the Holy Grail, some Knights Templar Relic etc etc. Hell, some professor in Sweden probably based his thesis off the idea that E.T is somewhere down in the Money Pitt. What I'm trying to say is that the theories all take a large stretch of imagination to understand let alone actually believe in them, and so far there isn't really any hard evidence that defiantly supports one of them. There are only theories, not actual facts. We have to keep this in mind when inspecting Oak Island.

My idea is this: in a time when we have fiscal problems all over, global warming is suddenly starting to have a huge effect on us, and we need to be working on foreign relations and actually ending  a few wars instead of starting them, why are so many of us off playing treasure hunter? Sure its nice to escape from the worries of the world for awhile and give in to childish ideas about pirates and buried treasure, but we have to be realistic: if anyone high up on the scientific or academic hierarchy really thought that there was a great intellectual discovery to be made on Oak Island, then something would have been done to recover that discovery by now, instead of small time investors pouring money into it. Some grand Board of Science from a well funded country, etc would have come forth and devoted much more time and money into getting whatever is buried on Oak Island, so I think its safe to say that nothing of great importance is down there. 

We also have to take a look at where Oak Island is located. That's right, in CANADA. Last time I checked, not many people come to Canada, our tourism isn't all that great (we have Niagara Falls, the huge mall in Edmonton, and a few other minor attractions, but in the big scheme of things, we really have no revenue coming in from the Canadian Tourism Bureau). Its a definite possibility that this whole thing could've been made by some 'higher ups' in suits to get people interested in Canada. Now I realize that it was found a long time ago, but don't you agree that its possible that the Canadian Government could've come in at some point and made the traps, tunnels and pits originally made by pirates or vikings more complicated, so that more endeavours would be made, and Oak Island could get an extra 15 minutes of fame?

So to end, I think its all a waste of time. If something was down there, we would've found it, especially if it was someting that anyone thought was really that ground breaking and special. So far, nothings come up except for some chain, some paper, and some rocks. Wow. Real archeological breakthroughs, there. But all sarcasm aside, we should be turning our attention to something more important, like using that treasure hunting money to bail ourselves out of our fast sinking economy.

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