Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So like everyone else's first post, this one is about blogging.Exciting, right?

Blogging isn't new to me. I've used blogger for awhile now and I have a separate blog apart from this one that I use to post some of the random crap that I think about most days. If you want to check it out, it's here. Yes, it may look similar to this one, but I can assure you its completely different. Completely! Got it? Get it? Good.

Hmm why do I blog...for the most part the only reason why I blog is so that the stuff I write gets up somewhere, and when it comes time to fill out college applications I can say that I'm (technically speaking) a published writer. Which is a good thing seeing as how I want to go into journalism. Clever, right?

So that's that. Enjoy!

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